Set phasers to stun

By Anonymous - 05/02/2021 00:30

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because there was “something missing”, which was the lack of sex we had because she didn’t feel good about her body. Less than three hours after crushing my heart, she posted about how hard it will be to have a "hoe phase" during a pandemic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 765
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Good news - you just lost a hoe. Now look for someone of better quality.

ouch. it does sound like she's been over the relationship for a while now, and considering her complete disregard towards your feelings you're better off. side note seems like she wanted a hoe faze and to experience other people, so more sex between the two of you probably wouldn't have cut it, so don't put this on you.


voodoo66 5

you should have hit that more often

Gamer_299 4

sounds like she was the one turning him down

ouch. it does sound like she's been over the relationship for a while now, and considering her complete disregard towards your feelings you're better off. side note seems like she wanted a hoe faze and to experience other people, so more sex between the two of you probably wouldn't have cut it, so don't put this on you.

tounces7 27

Good news - you just lost a hoe. Now look for someone of better quality.

I hope you don't live together quarantine with an ex.... PLEASE make tic tocs, Instagram etcetera if so