By Silent - 18/10/2018 17:30

Today, at the orthodontist, the nurse was checking my teeth. She asked me a question while her finger was in my mouth, and when I stupidly tried to reply, I bit her finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 137
You deserved it 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well the nurse should have known better if you’re going to ask question first remove your finger out of someone else mouth before asking question or you will get bit.

Dammit, Charlie! Haven't you grown out of that habit, yet?


Dammit, Charlie! Haven't you grown out of that habit, yet?

Well the nurse should have known better if you’re going to ask question first remove your finger out of someone else mouth before asking question or you will get bit.

Never understood why they or dentist try to carry on a conversation with you

Don't talk with your mouth full OP, it's rude haha

Emma Marshall 19

this is an FML for her and she deserved it.