No kinkshaming but… what?

By Anonymous - 09/01/2022 22:59

Today, when my new boyfriend told me he had a thigh fetish, I thought it was cute, until I realised our sex life would mostly be him fawning all over my legs, then dry humping my knees. We’ve been together 3 months and I can count the number of actual shags I’ve had on one hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 718
You deserved it 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An odd seeming fetish (as long as no one is hurt or forced to do something against their will) should not itself keep a relationship from working. But each partner should get satisfaction out of the relationship. If the relationship works for both of you, then it’s not a problem. Penetration is not the only way to achieve ******. Ask for oral, for example. On the other other hand, if you are not getting satisfied and you have let it known to your partner that you expect more and he’s unwilling or unable to give you sexual pleasure then it’s time to move on.

Today, my girlfriend told me she has a vulva fetish. I dry-hump her knees like any normal, red-blooded, heterosexual man would do, but she's still not satisfied. Apparently, she wants me to penetrate her pee-slot. FML.


Today, my girlfriend told me she has a vulva fetish. I dry-hump her knees like any normal, red-blooded, heterosexual man would do, but she's still not satisfied. Apparently, she wants me to penetrate her pee-slot. FML.

WadStakk 20

Just bringing back the dreaded FML. It's a comedic device where the original story is seen from one of the other characters point of view. My only thigh fetish is that it's my favorite part of a chicken.

An odd seeming fetish (as long as no one is hurt or forced to do something against their will) should not itself keep a relationship from working. But each partner should get satisfaction out of the relationship. If the relationship works for both of you, then it’s not a problem. Penetration is not the only way to achieve ******. Ask for oral, for example. On the other other hand, if you are not getting satisfied and you have let it known to your partner that you expect more and he’s unwilling or unable to give you sexual pleasure then it’s time to move on.

He can have whatever fetish he likes, but he has to be giving you what you want at least half of the time or it's just selfish.

Jon Tessler 14

exactly him having a fetish is fine, but OP wants more "insert tab A into Slot B" than she has been getting which means the fetish is not allowing her to derive pleasure from it.

This is just selfishness. Kinks aside, your boyfriend should be making an attempt to make sure you also have fun while y'all do it. Tell him either he's gotta step up or you're no longer stepping on.

diraven 15

Try letting your leg hair grow out