Exercise One

By blah - 02/06/2020 23:00

Today, while cuddling with my boyfriend, he started humping my leg and said, "I'm gonna hump the fatness out of you and make you beautiful." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 299
You deserved it 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find someone who appreciates you for who you are. Leave that manchild to dry hump his body pillow of himself.

That dude is a pig. And a dog. And I'm guessing some kind of child, since his first thought was to dry hump you.


That dude is a pig. And a dog. And I'm guessing some kind of child, since his first thought was to dry hump you.

Find someone who appreciates you for who you are. Leave that manchild to dry hump his body pillow of himself.

Dump him. You can do so much better than that.

thatkorean 5

If a the guy I was with did that I’d dump his ass. But lucky for me he kisses my stomach and tells me I’m beautiful just the way I am while supporting MY wishes of losing weight and encourages me when I need to workout and have struggles finding the motivation. He reminds me with things I’ve said to him. Not things he comes up with. Find THAT type of man.

Let him try! It's cheaper than liposuction and cool sculpting, so if he even gets a little blubber off you, it would be a success.

Vesi 29

Out of curiosity, is it your sole goal in posting to be offensive?

No, my goal is usually to bring a different view of the story. The vast majority of the comments are easily predictable from the story itself and are cliche and not at all insightful. It would be nice if people had interesting replies to my comments and we could improvise off them.

right you are pencil dick. goodness gracious

He is not serious it was a joke, if he did not like your body, he would not be with you. Just have fun with him. Give him a nice kiss next time, and teach him what you like him to do next time. He will like that a lot.

rotflqtms_ 21

So...reward his hurtful words with a kiss? Don't you think that's sending the wrong message? "Say hurtful things to me and I'll kiss you. Who knows what I'll do for you if you go even further with more hurtful things?"

ojoRojo 27

I hope you got up, walked out, and never looked back.

What an a$$. I would get rid of him and find someone who appreciates you. What a pos.

J15237 25

I hope that you said something clever and ended that relationship right then and there. You do not deserve that.

You can definitely do better than him but unless you really love him leave him and find someone who appreciates you.