Mowed down

By ThatsNotGrass - 10/08/2014 01:30 - Canada

Today, I was mowing the lawn while wearing gym shorts. Because I had no pockets, I tucked my phone into the waistband of my shorts. I didn't notice my phone had slipped until the lawnmower started making an awful sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 290
You deserved it 22 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I did something similar except mine involved dropping my phone down a public toilet. I'm sorry about your phone.

LittleRed79 39

You have a public toilet on your lawn?

meant to thumb you up, littlered, +2 to you

The only thing similar about your situation is the death of a phone.

MzZombicidal 36

Couldn't you have just not brought it with you? It's not like you were going to use it much while preoccupied. Bit of an FYL and a YDI on your end.

ostfaiz 18

R.I.P. your phone Op! totally YDI!

Next time wear long pants and leave phone in house. I imagine you mobile died. Hope the SIM card survived the mowing

why would you wear pants while mowing

I wear pants while mowing to protect my shins, but there's lots of tiny things in my lawn that hurt on unprotected shins

Should always wear pants and shoes that cover your toes when mowing the lawn. Never know what can be hiding in the grass that can be kicked up, like rocks. Or pieces of metal that belonged to a once in-tact toy car, which is no longer recognizable due to being run over by a mower...

Sierra7211 17

It probably got crunched when the OP doubled back

May be. But you hardly do that in electric ones. Not sure. Havent use either of them.

I'm imagining that the phone somehow fell into or very near an unmowed bit of lawn and then got crunched as OP came back.

Hope your lawnmower is okay and time to get a new phone!

hope theres nothing important in your phone OP

Anya_5 8

Aww I'm sorry that sucks. :/

That's why you don't put your phone in your waistband