Mowed down

By ThatsNotGrass - 10/08/2014 01:30 - Canada

Today, I was mowing the lawn while wearing gym shorts. Because I had no pockets, I tucked my phone into the waistband of my shorts. I didn't notice my phone had slipped until the lawnmower started making an awful sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 290
You deserved it 22 505

Same thing different taste

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Mods - "wasteband" should read "waistband"... I'm a little surprised it has taken this long for someone to notice this.

What was so important that you couldn't leave your phone inside, or even on the deck for ten minutes while you mowed? Even I can detach myself from it for the time it takes to cut the grass.

ahippienamedrae 10

and that's why you put your phone away when you do yard work

There were a lot of solutions to this...but just make sure you have pockets

grgnyce 8

And you feel the need to have your phone on you when cutting the grass because ...??? Sorry OP, but YDI.