By anon - 08/03/2009 08:47 - United States

Today, I got my first tattoo. It was a surprise for my fiancé: our names together over a heart. I went home but before I could show him, he said we had to have a 'talk.' Now my ex's name is tattooed on my back. The kicker? Turns out I'm allergic to the ink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 889
You deserved it 76 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you never tattoo a name on yourself. Try something symbolic, that way if this happens, it's just a tattoo and doesn't have to mean anything anymore

That's the reason why the only names you tattoo on yourself are your kids and dead family members


This is why you never tattoo a name on yourself. Try something symbolic, that way if this happens, it's just a tattoo and doesn't have to mean anything anymore

i wanna peace sign tattoo!!!! (-<)PeAcE(>-)

God what the hell everyone knows that!!

DeadxManxWalking 27

ahh that sucks, but doesnt everyone know u dont get a guy/girls name tattoed on to you unless you married, or you can see into the future n know you are always gonna be together??

That's the reason why the only names you tattoo on yourself are your kids and dead family members

orangeninja 0
jujuburd 0

didn't angelina, Pamela Lee & Johnny Depp teach you anything?

Golden Rule of Tattoos: Never get a name of a current boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife on yourself. When the ink has dried they dump you. Honestly this has happened a lot to my friends and I don't know why it happens or is more anecdotal than anything but it has refrained me from getting my gf name since I'm pretty sure that as soon as I do I'll be getting the same talk. Silly superstition I know but just seems how it works out with tattoos. Agree with everyone about getting some sort of tribal or something more of a design than a name. You want to do it for yourself and just in case the one you love dumps you.

twilax101 0

why is this in the sex category??

frozen_heart 0

One more person in the lesson of "Never tattoo any names other than your CHILDREN on your body!"