Morning motivation

By thermos - 03/02/2009 23:47 - United States

Today, I had a sexy dream, woke up and started to masturbate quite vigorously. When I finished, I hopped off the top bunk naked to see my brother and his girlfriend laying in the bottom bunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 186
You deserved it 53 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm it only weird because his girlfriend was there?

kellster 2

Why the hell would you jerk off knowing your brother was in the room?? Much less, why so vigorously! Go take a shower or something jeez!


I'm it only weird because his girlfriend was there?

hahahhahahahaha if that was my brother i wouldve stood up and ripped your mattres off the top

nonameisaname 0

that's hilarious!! MAHAHAHHAHAAHAHA!

I agree with #9!!!!! You gotta atleast say something not just sit there in silence!!!!

kellster 2

Why the hell would you jerk off knowing your brother was in the room?? Much less, why so vigorously! Go take a shower or something jeez!

SamFromAccountin 0

shoulda jumped off and said "i win"