More than enough, thanks
By umbrella - 24/07/2009 11:39 - United States
By umbrella - 24/07/2009 11:39 - United States
By shamefaced - 07/12/2012 03:11 - New Zealand - Wellington
By iFail - 29/01/2009 17:55 - United States
By Littlethings1 - 31/03/2016 17:07 - United States - Tallahassee
By fviz - 07/02/2013 09:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/02/2010 02:21 - Australia
By anon - 29/11/2011 23:59 - United Kingdom
By brooke - 13/08/2012 04:45 - United States
By 2young4birds&bees - 24/10/2016 15:53
By bossgroper - 23/07/2009 20:23 - United States
By Karen - 31/08/2009 14:48 - United Kingdom
hahah awkward.
Maybe that was her way of thanking him.
59. Go **** your self.
How dare someone show common decency and courtesy? /sarcasm
Well pointed out #63!!! That's nothing like the usual crap that jandersonii posts, so I wasn't even considering it being him There's something quite frustrating about trolls. I mean, we'll never be able to get rid of them, because no matter how many ******* times we tell everyone else, they still keep insulting the trolls which is exactly what they want... eh I give up.
Yeah, like others have said: if it wasn't used, I do not know any guys who would be embarrassed. Believe it or not, most guys know women menstruate. Here is another revelation: we know what women do when they go to the bathroom, and we know you stink it up too. So, don't be embarrassed about being human.
lol, I remember when the girls at my school had a tampon fight on the bus. They all got suspended, so the next day, there were only guys that showed up in my class.
Ugh, that's embarrassing.
M13LO- do u rly hav 2 troll on EVERY fml.... i mean seriusly i dont read every fml or thier comments but when i do u r alwas trolling bout something.... i mean dont u hav somethin better to do with ur time than sittn on a comp all day???? i only go on when im bored.... if thats the case with u then F ur life cuz obviusly u dont hav any friends.
No #40 was replying to a different comment and his comment got moved because glitches like that sometimes. Don't you people get that? Anyway, I'm not ashamed that I read like every FML on this site and comment on most. So what if I have no life? Anyone who tells me there's anything wrong with that can **** off. And I agree that M13L0 is a stupid troll who must have something wrong with their mind that they still manage to derive pleausre from all their stupid trolling. He's almost as bad as jandersonii. Trolls like them don't seem to understand that woman-bashing slurs are no longer funny when they've been done to death.
... hot?
I agree
Wrong FML! haha idiot
i would run. sucks to be you.
I'm posting up here so people can see the comments :D. and YDI for not putting your tampons in a Ziplock or something and not just throwing it in your purse.
I don't put my tampons in a Ziplock o_O I don't think I've ever met anyone who has, either. I agree with #8.
It could still fly out :P
it's called a reason to put YDI.
I'm with #56. I'd take a single tampon peeking out over an arsenal in a ziploc baggie any day.
am i the only one who finds it funny everyone in this reply is a woman? lol
LMFAO :D haha sucks for you. but oh well, it's just a tampon. it would've been a lot scarier if it was a knife or something... though why you'd be carrying a knife....
LMFAO! Well your version of this FML would be: Today, a man held a door open for me while I fished my umbrella out of my very cluttered bag. As I was opening my umbrella, I turned to thank him for being such a gentleman. Instead, a knife that had apparently wedged itself into the folds of my umbrella flew into his face. FML Yeah, now that would be a real FML
^_^ id like to be there when she explained it to the police "honestly, i didnt MEAN to murder him...shit jus happens"
XD LMAO!!!!!! oh man... i wouldve just stood there quietly. make it way more awkard til he walks away...o.o...just stare at him... though...he was being a gentleman...once thought extinct...could they be coming back?! :gasp!: lol ^-^ hope he laughed about it. it was an accident, he couldnt have taken it badly could he have? o.O
I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen everyday, FYL.
I would've loved to see his reaction to that, haha
hahah awkward.