So sorry

By Karen - 31/08/2009 14:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I was hurrying for the bus home from work. It was raining and I had my umbrella up. As I hurried by two women, I felt my umbrella hit one of them on the head. I turned to apologise and saw her standing with her hands on her newly bald head. My umbrella had lifted her wig off her head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 886
You deserved it 4 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL for having someone expose her baldy-ness! She must have been 10x more embarrassed than you.


monicamischief 0

this isn't really an FML though. awkward, yes, but also funny. it's not really like it was a serious incident; the lady can just putt he wig back on and it is unlikely they will every see each other again.

Today, I was hurrying for the bus home from work. It was raining and some inconsiderate woman rushed by a friend and I and hit me with her umbrella. It knocked my wig off. FML

yeah.... it would be a LOT more akward for her than it was for you.

FHL more like - we should look out for another FML shortly saying "Today, I took the bus and it was raining and this guy ripped my wig off my head" ...

#44 ok people have got to stop posting "inverse FMLs" it's become so annoying, especially when it's not at all funny like this one

mydgmax 0

she must have been so pissed!! :p

aw, crap. Poor woman! What did she do next? Get mad at you?

Sucks but it's funny at the same time. I hope she didn't get mad?

FHL for having someone expose her baldy-ness! She must have been 10x more embarrassed than you.

they should really change the name from fmylife to f my life today because im to insecure to get over my problems. soon, will just be "today i dropped a bag of chips. fml" WE ALL HAVE GOOD FMLs THAT NEVER GET PUBLISHED! FTL

p.s. it wasnt even funny. just awkward. heres a tip: go to

enough with the comments like "go to" and the like

actually, is a heck of a lot funnier than this website

youthink_fml 0

i hate people like you that don't pay attention to what they're doing. i bet you drive like that too.