Merry Xmas

By Anonymous - 26/12/2014 05:59 - United States - Jeromesville

Today, a friend had invited me to Christmas dinner since I have no family close by. When I got there, she told me that her and her husband had forgotten they had another dinner to go to, and asked if I would watch their kids for them. They each grabbed a handful of cookies I had baked and rushed out the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 208
You deserved it 2 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems to me as if they baited you into coming just to have you babysit their kids OP. If similar things have happened before you might want to reconsider them as friends.

DrMario_ 16

Jerks. Ditch them and acquire some cat friends. At least they won't leave you.


It seems to me as if they baited you into coming just to have you babysit their kids OP. If similar things have happened before you might want to reconsider them as friends.

it's better than having a Christmas alone. that would be very depressing

@13 I would say that being fooled by friends to babysit their kids while they invited you for dinner, is more depressing than having to celebrate christmas on your own.

Drop the kids off at the police station. Say you found them on the road running with knives and grying to buy pot. Get your revenge in epic style.

BlackPanther19 11

you should probably reconsider who you call your friends.

cutiepie292929 18

Yeh if they invited you because you had no one, then they should have cancelled the other plans or at least told you before you got there so you could choose.

Sounds like they were planning on getting a free baby sitter.

I'm surprised that they didn't want to spent Christmas dinner with their children!!

DrMario_ 16

Jerks. Ditch them and acquire some cat friends. At least they won't leave you.

I thought the same too, but Mr. Biscuit, Cuddlypants, Mrs. Biscuit, Dr. Cutie-pie, Fuzzy, Gummy, Giggles, Dimples, Robert Downey the Third, Chester, and Fluffybottoms, all created the cat version of Ocean's Eleven and got the hell out of my home. :(

IAmzephyr 22

cats shove their young down the stairs for recreation. still a better time than this OP

But if they DID what does that say about OP...

As everyone will say. Those "friends" are not real friends.

How rude. Those sound like awful friends, I hope they don't expect you to work for free.

Rude, indeed. I'd run out the door behind them and make it clear I was headed to my car to leave.

You should lace the cookies with laxatives the next time they try to pull a stunt like that.

Tell them no, that's not okay. Stand up for yourself!

cryssycakesx3 22

I would have simply said no and left.