By Stephanie Peugh - 15/04/2018 19:30 - United States - Loudonville

Today, during my daughter's 8th birthday at a skating rink, a family showed up that didn't RSVP. The mother brought all 3 of her kids and left them at the party alone. She didn't feed them lunch and they followed me around the whole time asking for money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 337
You deserved it 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Call the cops informing them you found three lost children. Their mother would have a lot of explaining to do to get them back.

What kind of mother would put her kids in that situation??


Zekfen 17

A store I sometimes go into has a sign that says: unattended children will be given lots of sugar and a puppy. I think that applies well here.

No, no. Unattended children will be given Bang energy drinks and allowed to socialize small puppies for an hour. Then the PARENTS get to deal with whether or not to bring the puppy home...

What kind of mother would put her kids in that situation??

hopefully you called the mom and I sure hope you didn't give them money. and I really hope you hollered at her when she came to get her kids.

Lobby_Bee 17

Call the cops informing them you found three lost children. Their mother would have a lot of explaining to do to get them back.

why traumatize the kids like that to punish and embarrass the mom. The cops are going to ask and she is going to say she forgot to rsvp but if one of the kids knows your kid then you are just going to look immature and petty

Gamessence 19

pretty sure the parent probably asked the daughter if she knew them, since this is an FML she definitely didnt recognize em

Gamessence 19

heck yeah! smh for mooching on others.

As a person, this disturbs me to no end ... And as a mother, it just plain infuriates me! What kind of person just abandons their children somewhere?? I don’t get humans anymore .. I really don’t!

Gamessence 19

she probably thought the parent was dumb enuf to give em food. ****** moochers.

I sure hope you stood up for yourself and reamed her out away from her kids. Ask for compensation, and don't back down. Probably too late to do it now though. :\

Worthless mother she is if you don’t have money stay home or ask for help

Are you describing an episode of "Shameless"?

I'm going to guess that they weren't invited to the party, that the shitty excuse for a mother thought she could cadge some free babysitting. Did your daughter seem to know them? And yeah, I hope you yelled at the mother for just abandoning her kids like that.

They (or at least one of the kids) was invited, but they didn't RSVP.