Caught in 1080p

By Anonymous - 02/06/2019 04:00

Today, my boyfriend came over. We'd planned on losing out virginities today. What we didn't plan on was having my 9-year-old brother and his friends making a video of "What teens do when no one is home." They taped the whole thing, including the five minutes it took us to get the condom on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 968
You deserved it 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you’re using protection even if it did take 5 mins

Shouldn’t have been suspicious when your brother asked you to have your asshole waxed and bleached, and decked out your bedroom with klieg lights?


At least you’re using protection even if it did take 5 mins

I hope you got ahold of that video. And every possible copy.

I'm sorry but ydi. why would you have sex with your brother home? and you didnt know a bunch of 9 year olds were taping you?

mr_dinzaster 16

I think they thought they were alone but definitely gonna be a interesting conversation

You can't not know that a 9-years-old is at home unless his parents are serious garbage parents. Either the parents are at home as well or they make sure you watch your little bro.

Mungolikecandy 19

It reads like they were home alone but their brother had planted a recording device.

Shouldn’t have been suspicious when your brother asked you to have your asshole waxed and bleached, and decked out your bedroom with klieg lights?

Did y'all fail sex Ed 101? Because they do teach how to use a condom. Both of y'all should have practiced on the banana a little more

Maybe they had abstinence only 'sex ed'?

We never did that in school. They didn't even ever show us a condom they just told us what they were.

bigdaddyeric 35

Hopefully the sex itself lasted longer than 5 minutes!

Trinity Fenwick 7

first, I would be digging them some graves right now, but, how did they tape you without you noticing?

bobsanction 18

Threaten to turn him in for making child **** if he ever shows it to anyone.

Mungolikecandy 19

Hopefully you are over 18 and you have been able to destroy every copy. If you are not over 18 that is classed as child pornography, and even if over 18 every copy needs to be destroyed.