Mean Girls

By 1nfected - 26/08/2009 17:07 - Canada

Today, when I arrived at work, I was greeted by my gorgeous coworker telling me my red shirt looked awesome on me. Before I could compliment her, she added that the color was fitting perfectly with my acne. I heard a couple of giggles around me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 394
You deserved it 3 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doubleAbattery 0

What a bitch. You should have said you picked it out with her genital warts in mind.


you should have said her bitchy attitude went great with her huge ass mouth.

Eh ignore her. Someone's panties r too tight.

thecookielovrxx 8

Apply cold water to burned area

Awwww what a **** acne clears up but ugly bitchy cunty personalities will never go away

Next time tell her "thanks. You should wear black more often to match your soul"