The Watchers

By Anonymous - 03/06/2023 15:00

Today, my in-laws just bought the house opposite. They were bad enough 50 miles away but now they’re here all the time. We’ve had to start locking doors and diving to the floor every time we hear our front gate open. Even then they try to open the door and stand in the garden for up to 15 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 061
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds almost exactly like Everybody Loves Raymond. Just tell them that you and you wife need space. Say it politely and respectfully but firmly and they will understand. Though, of course, I don't know them and no matter how you say "back off, we need our space," they may still get upset. I can only say good luck.

Tell them to stop or you'll trespass them.


Tell them to stop or you'll trespass them.

Sounds almost exactly like Everybody Loves Raymond. Just tell them that you and you wife need space. Say it politely and respectfully but firmly and they will understand. Though, of course, I don't know them and no matter how you say "back off, we need our space," they may still get upset. I can only say good luck.

Watch a few episodes of the old TV show “Everyone Loves Raymond” - You are living one of the running gags on the show… Ideally you can get your in laws to respect your privacy. Personally I grew up two houses down from my grandparents and it was great. In my case the grandparents very rarely came to our house, but I was often at my grandparents house and both I and they liked that. But of course people are different…

They give up after only 15 minutes? Wimps! You need to get some decent stalkers who will stay as long as it takes.

The only response is to promptly move and make absolutely sure they don't know where you are going.

they do it because you allow it. set some boundaries, or better yet your partner needs to with their parents. and stick to them