Polite bodyshaming

By alie - 26/08/2010 12:57 - United States

Today, I wore a cute new striped shirt to work. One of my co-workers said to me, "I like your shirt. Most fat people don't look good in horizontals." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 856
You deserved it 4 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah I agree, if that was at work, report that shit.

#6 I'm 5'9'' and weigh 140lbs. The STRIPED shirt I'm wearing right now doesn't make me look anything like a baby hippo. Perhaps you should have qualified your statement somewhat?!


Yeah I agree, if that was at work, report that shit.

#6 I'm 5'9'' and weigh 140lbs. The STRIPED shirt I'm wearing right now doesn't make me look anything like a baby hippo. Perhaps you should have qualified your statement somewhat?!

@ Skinnydude, like lady said, being skinnier is not being healthier. By the way you said you like being skinny, too bad most girls I know don't like stick figure men. Women like a man she can wrap her arms around, not a guy that she is afraid of snapping in half.

Horizontal stripes make you look fat because it "stretches" out the image. Vertical stripes emphasize the straightness and the height (up-down) of an object, so it's skinnier. Draw 2 squares and fill one with 4 evenly spaced horizontal lines, and the other square with 4 evenly spaced vertical lines. Which square looks longer? They're both the same size, but the vertical one looks longer because you see the rectangles inside as "elongated" up and down. Anywayyy. Fat and skinny are BOTH words with bad connotations. Fat = too high of a BMI = overweight and you can have high cholestrol and all that nasty stuff. Skinny = too low of a BMI = underweight and you have too less of nutrients and you can't even function properly. In both conditions, you can't function properly due to lack of nutrients or too much of fat clogging up your arteries and things. Slim is the best choice because you have an ideal BMI, meaning your muscle/fat ratio is healthy and you have enough fat to develop body parts, along with enough muscle to do your daily activities. Nobody wants a chunk of lard or a bag of sticks. Anyway! @FMLer: How rude of them to say that. They could just be saying fat people in general, but that sentence is too loaded in the insulting-fat-people side, so. Hope karma hits him in the face and breaks his nose :D

that was the longest comment I've ever seen on this site and no one is going to read it

LeaAnne94 17
GoMeat4103 0

#11: Heart disease is one of the world's leading causes of death, anorexia is not (though that's not to say it can't cause heart failure.) Try paying attention to current events and the like. @ OP: as a former overweight person, I find your coworker's comment ridiculous and offensive. You shouldn't have to put up with that.

You didn't deserve that. He deserved a good slap across the face.

JillAGillbert 0

Number 7 Thank you for correcting the spelling error.

Romaine_fml 0