
By Anonymous - 14/05/2012 14:22 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, a friend who I hadn't seen in a while offered to give me a ride. I didn't really know how to give directions to my house, so when we had been driving for a while and it was getting awkward, I just pointed at a random house and pretended to live there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 666
You deserved it 39 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know how to give directions to your house.

You should have told him to keep turning left and see how long it would take him to notice you had no idea what you were doing.


pinkpixie06 11

I understand if you can't figure out how to give directions. But if you are in the vehicle, you should be able to direct your friend. "Turn left here." or "Take the next right." Seems simple enough...

I usually just say turn here, turn there etc.

But, she'll go on those long pauses, asking random strangers where your location is. Time-waster...

And comment of the year goes to *drumroll sarah56195, for most original comment, ever! And the crowd goes wild!

oklahomaguy 0

That sucks. Stick to the short bus next time.

daringtoride 27

Lol, like one person has already said, did anyone else consider that perhaps OP had just moved? Perhaps this friend was someone they befriended recently, and did not want to appear stupid or something. Ah, the art of jumping to conclusions. Congrats (no, really.)

OP said "friend I haven't seen in a while," so it can't be a new friend. I'm all for not jumping to conclusions but I also believe in think before you speak (write). it's not that hard to get directions.. Even in a new place, almost every phone has gps now.

erika729 1

Fml for taking 10 secs out of my day 2 read this fuckery

Oh boo-hoo. Ten seconds I willingly wasted for reading a small anecdote. Oh woe is me.