
By Anonymous - 14/05/2012 14:22 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, a friend who I hadn't seen in a while offered to give me a ride. I didn't really know how to give directions to my house, so when we had been driving for a while and it was getting awkward, I just pointed at a random house and pretended to live there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 666
You deserved it 39 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know how to give directions to your house.

You should have told him to keep turning left and see how long it would take him to notice you had no idea what you were doing.


deidre823 7

How do you not know how to get home??

thatoneguy79 10

If they don't know where they are, it would be difficult to know how to get home.

daltonromanowski 11

It's possible OP was taken somewhere unfamiliar and therefore didn't know how to direct her companion to her house. I know a few people who observe their surroundings differently than other people and thusly wouldn't be able to give street directions to any place, let alone their own house. That doesn't mean she's stupid or doesn't know HOW to get to her house. Why do you have to be so judgmental?

So how does the OP get there normally, hypothetically? By flight? Teleportation? Burrowing underground? Are these likelier than "Walking alongside the roads in a series of turns"?

thatoneguy79 10

I must say, its hard for me to fully comprehend what must have been going through your mind OP. I learned at an early age how to read maps and figure out not only where I am going, and how to get there; bus routes, tubes / subways, even the maps in the malls that lay out the stores for you. It came in rather handy when the military taught me how to read theirs as well. So for me to find myself in this type of situation is a bit beyond my full comprehension. As a suggestion, next time as your friend if they know where your street is (I'm playing off the assumption that, unlike some of the knuckle heads above, you do know your address) before they start off. If they do, you should be able to get close. If they don't, then you know that you need to find someone that does. Police officers, firefighters, and most other public safety folks would be more than happy to help. If they were a friend, they would understand your predicament. If they aren't a friend, they will laugh mercilessly at you behind your back. Either way, it has to be better than being dropped off at a random house with no idea how to get home.

how much more awkward would it have been if the house you picked was theirs?? LOL

And you don't know how to give directions to your house because...? You've forgotten where you live? Good job you deserve it next time pay attention on how you arrive at your house everyday.

DollyDope 17

How do you not know how to get to your own home? And what was the brilliant solution to getting home after being dropped off at a random house?

Are you a little slow, sweetie? Maybe you should write your address down?