
By Anonymous - 14/05/2012 14:22 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, a friend who I hadn't seen in a while offered to give me a ride. I didn't really know how to give directions to my house, so when we had been driving for a while and it was getting awkward, I just pointed at a random house and pretended to live there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 666
You deserved it 39 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know how to give directions to your house.

You should have told him to keep turning left and see how long it would take him to notice you had no idea what you were doing.


Is telling the truth THAT hard? I really don't see why u had to lie

mojomojo_fml 5

So you were lost, but safe with your friend in a car, and thought it would be less awkward to be lost, alone, and on foot?

Tdevonner 0

ok I kno what went wrong. they normally take the train and its under ground so they only kno their way to the train station by their job and from the stop by their home...everything else is always just rats and graffitti..(i just realized I have no ckue how to spelk gruh-fee-tee...smh)

You have no clue how to spell anything else, either.

Geez people! She/he said they didn't know how to give directions, not the they didn't know where their house was!

AzzieC 12
babyshaft408 8

Shoulda told him to make 3 rights

I just have to say that my 3 year old nephew can tell me how to get to his house, he can't say right or left, but he points in the right direction.. And even can say if you go that way you go to wal-mart... He is 3, and we live in the middle of nowhere on 100 acres of land..

soldiat_fml 17

Do you usually teleport? :D