
By Anonymous - 14/05/2012 14:22 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, a friend who I hadn't seen in a while offered to give me a ride. I didn't really know how to give directions to my house, so when we had been driving for a while and it was getting awkward, I just pointed at a random house and pretended to live there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 666
You deserved it 39 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know how to give directions to your house.

You should have told him to keep turning left and see how long it would take him to notice you had no idea what you were doing.


How can you not know how to get to your own house when you're riding in the car?!

I think you should apply for assisted living.

You shouldn't have accepted the ride, you could have just wandered around on your own. Did you ever make it home? Or did you just move into the house you pretended to live in.

How does someone not know how to get home?

OhLohd111 11

Imagine how much more awkward it would be if OP's friend knew the person who actually lived in that house.

spittinGMINT 3

That's why I have a tattoo of a map to my house on my back. N case im drunk, I know someone will get me home ;)

Devin91 20

Would've been awkward if your friend stayed outside waiting for you to go inside the random persons house.

YDI. You don't even have to know the street names; just tell them when to turn left, right, stay straight, whatever. Hell, I'm horrible with street names but I've NEVER had an issue getting someone (or myself) to my house.

That's funny, because my sense of orientation is just as bad, and I'd do the same thing.