Locked out

By blank - 21/01/2013 21:55 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left for basic training. I went to say goodbye to her at the airport. Only after I walked back to my car did I realize that she still had the keys. My extra set was back at the house, locked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 539
You deserved it 6 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's gonna be a very expensive journey to get your keys back.

perdix 29

Well, you'd better not criticize her for her stupidity and thoughtlessness, because when she gets back, she will be able to kick your ass. Then, you can live in fear of her, happily ever after.


Well, that's gonna be a very expensive journey to get your keys back.

stripeycrakers 7

The only expensive thing is going to be bailing him out of prison when he fails to break in to his own house

She can mail them back. In the mean time you probably just break in.

You do not get bailed out of prison...you go to prison once you have been convicted of a felony and sentenced to more than 1 year. If he were amazingly arrested, he would go to jail. While its gonna cost OP to get home and replace a window, he'll be fine overall.

Thank you! Glad someone else had that thought

You can get arrested for breaking into your own house?

StalkerChick 13

What's his dad gonna do? Magically unlock the door? Break into the house?

Hmm I break into my house when I lock my keys inside is that bad or what...

No, but you don't need to call your dad to break in for you. You're your own man! :D

That's right I am my own man... *yells for dad to help open car*

Don't get me wrong miss Kat. I'm not afraid to ask for help when needed. Know what I mean.

And *that's* why Dad put salt in your coffee when you asked him to make you one.

2- that would work if he had an extra key. Not everyone's parents keep spare keys to their son/daughter's home or car. I never gave my parents one.

My father does not have a spare key to my car but I have one to his since I go to school in same town he works and he frequently locks himself out.

Looks like you're going to have to force a window or door open, and hotwire that baby. But have you ever though of joining the Army? "Discover yourself."

You want your keys back, you maggot? I want to see you sweat for them! Now drop and give me 100 pushups!

hellbilly205 17

Actually in basic now a days they can't say maggot, nor make you do 100 pushups in a row. New army and all

What about mountain climbers as soon as you get out of chow? That was always my favorite. That and grass drill in the rain at 2 am.

Forced hydration was my least favorite part, especially right after chow.

Osito2011 9

Got to love the mothers of America. In my day, the mothers of America tried to pull that. However, my drill instructor was like "**** that, you things are going to be marines not pussy." From there one, we continued are training.

ilovemarkhoppus 14

Get a taxi there should be plenty there

Wishez 12

But it sucks for OP because that will be very expensive.

xStaciexLynnx 15

You don't know how much it will cost really. Maybe op lives close to the airport.

ilovemarkhoppus 14
Zambi33 6

His girlfriend is in the army AND she drove them their? Dude before she left did she at least give you your manhood back?

Rancor 5

WOMEN IN THE ARMY, preposterous!! But all jokes aside, call a locksmith.

Pretty sure the women dying out there in the army don't find much humor in that.

Star walking? Good luck getting home OP >.

I'm curious...how does one accomplish this "star walking?" It sounds awesome

Actually Michael Jackson did not invent the moonwalk. *The More You Know* OP: What is this star walking that you speak of?

Osito2011 9

Yup that is true. It was turbo from breakin that taught Michael the moon walk. Now for star walking, that's something you have to ask Han Solo about or maybe even Luke.

Break in or call the general service police number not 911 tho I already made that mistake once...

perdix 29

Well, you'd better not criticize her for her stupidity and thoughtlessness, because when she gets back, she will be able to kick your ass. Then, you can live in fear of her, happily ever after.

94yhy 8

I'm sure all this happened quite a while ago. After all, she's already back and he has had to ask for her permission to climax.

Get to walking and use that zapatomobile.

Zapatomobile, love that term. Back in Holland we have the term: "benenwagen", literally leg-wagon/car.