By mylifesucks - 18/04/2009 07:20 - Netherlands

Today, I celebrated my 21st birthday. My boyfriend of almost 3 years gave me a big pink vibrator. Thinking it was a joke I said: "I won't need this as long as I have you!" His reply: "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 557
You deserved it 52

Top comments

at least he provided you with a replacement. how thoughtful

Haha, don't worry about it too much. The vibrator will probably be better anyways.


Specterk50 0

yes it does but now she can whack him with the vibrator

at least he provided you with a replacement. how thoughtful

UziTopete 0
dancing_bear 0

He was really just setting himself, and you, up for that situation. Honestly, I know breaking up with someone sucks, but in that sort of situation being inventive about it just makes it a thousand times worse. Can nobody just come out with it anymore? Jeez.

warriormg12 4

i actually thought this guy was a genius at least she wont get lonley late at night

both valid points, but she can get a dog if she's lonley. at least he left her w. something useful no?

#161 are you suggesting that she **** a dog?

dragongirlnat 0

Wow. He should of at least waited till ur birthday was over. Sorry.

wtfFML21 0

Look on the bright side: A pink vibrator! What was it? The Rabbit??

haha i doubt it, i bet it was a cheap ass one from like spencers gifts or something. the dude is a totaly douchebag

Americunt 0

Late night masturbation. Nothing beats that? Heh.

ashleymarielouis 0

Or... Late Night Masturbation: Everybody beats that. Teehee.

Haha, don't worry about it too much. The vibrator will probably be better anyways.

hmmm I can't help but wonder if she'll think of him while using it tho ^_^

ahaha know how that feels. i got a really good one though.

Cyrus00 41

Know how what feels? The vibrator or the getting dumped?