Bad omens all around

By bubble wrapped girl - 13/05/2021 19:01 - United States - Medford

Today, I got into a accident at the dunes, rolling a Razor buggy. Last weekend, I sleepwalked and microwaved my phone. Last month, I gave myself third degree burns while curling my hair. I need to live in a bubble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 859
You deserved it 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, I want one of those buggies but on my salary I'll have to settle for stealing a golf cart now and then.


Damn, I want one of those buggies but on my salary I'll have to settle for stealing a golf cart now and then.

Throw the curling iron. Your hair will thank you. You might want to child proof your house as well.