By Anonymous - 16/02/2010 07:26 - United States

Today, I was docked and fined in my dorm building because of multiple noise complaints. What was I doing that was so noisy? I slipped in the shower and banged my head against the floor. Then when I reached for the towel rack to pull myself up, it broke and I slammed my wrist onto the ground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 138
You deserved it 2 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lautturi 2

Ow. FYL indeed. D: Though, why didn't you try to explain?

How can you be fined for no evidence? You better not pay that fine.


I'm 1st so you all can suck it nd op that sucks

anti flood protection is a pain in the A$$

I'm pritty sure if u smack the concrete floor or tiled ground u would be unconsuous

uh, its a DORM room. there is no concrete.

AngryNinja 1

it was her wrist, not her head..

Skullcrusher 5

Wouldn't that be the floor igmo?


your comment is funnier than the post lol. you are a winner in my book

tb15 0

wowo 9 people responding to the first comment just to be on top

you cleverly hid that you did too... so did i

" turn down that music!" " that was my head."

lautturi 2

Ow. FYL indeed. D: Though, why didn't you try to explain?

This. And how thin is the floor or how heavy are your head and wrist? Why would a fall make so much noise? FYL and hope you heal soon.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Man, OP.... You could've at least passed the noise off to make it sound like you got lucky.

If two loud thumps resemble her getting lucky, the guys she gets with are to be pitied.

lol wow that rly blows!!! fyl for lack of self defense too

How can you be fined for no evidence? You better not pay that fine.

Hahaaaa now I know why they were complaining you probly kept going on about it. Get over it. Shit happens.

sometimes i wonder if people just press ydi for fun cos i really dont understand how some of this shit could be deserved

jessicathatsme 0