That's great honey!

By Anonymous - 09/05/2023 10:00

Today, I went on a date with a guy I met on Bumble. He spent the entire time talking about his pet tarantula and showing me pictures of it, all while I made 'ooh' and 'aah' noises, as if the guy was a child showing me his kindergarten drawings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 675
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maskedangel 11

What’s wrong with that?? I love my tarantulas

He actually sounds really sweet and happy with his pet, and I hope he finds someone who will love both him and the spider.


He actually sounds really sweet and happy with his pet, and I hope he finds someone who will love both him and the spider.

maskedangel 11

What’s wrong with that?? I love my tarantulas

Give him another chance. He is passionate about something that (while you may find it odd) brings joy. He may actually be pretty shy and hard to find other things to talk about YET. Give him a chance to redeem himself, after you mention you would like a little more attention and talk about other topics. In fact, Give him a list of things that you can both talk about and let him prepare.

I swear, half these FMLs about dating are just 'this guy LIKES THINGS and HAS HOBBIES and that is SO CRINGE!'. Send some of these guys my way, they sound interesting. (Or gals, too.)