Lee Trevi-not

By Anonymous - 10/10/2019 12:07

Today, I was practicing my golf swing on my front lawn. I took a swing and on the backstroke the golf club slipped out of my hands. Next thing I know, it hits a neighbor's window, shatters it, and goes right into their living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 632
You deserved it 1 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget practicing your swing. Practice your grip.

"Gonna get a set of better clubs Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs Just so my irons aren't always flying off the back swing" Timeless advice!


"Gonna get a set of better clubs Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs Just so my irons aren't always flying off the back swing" Timeless advice!

Forget practicing your swing. Practice your grip.