
By sonja_n - 10/10/2019 23:00 - Australia - Kew

Today, I lost my balance while crossing a creek and fell in. I had my camera on me at the time. It's fried, and I don't have the $2K I need to replace it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 393
You deserved it 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

News flash! You need to keep your focus to avoid overexposure to dangers I shutter to think of. Ok, I'll f-stop now.

And it doesn't even make phone calls, surf the web, tell time, text or call Ubers.


News flash! You need to keep your focus to avoid overexposure to dangers I shutter to think of. Ok, I'll f-stop now.

Hey look at it this way. I did the same thing as a child(30 odd years ago) and drove an 8 inch nail between the two hemispheres of my BRAIN. at least you only broke a camera

bullsonyourface 20

Jesus your camera costs more than my car

And it doesn't even make phone calls, surf the web, tell time, text or call Ubers.

Sounds like you're up... something... I forget... without a paddle.

exactly, they tried to use their $2k camera as a paddle.

If I'm going to be getting a $2000 camera I would have gotten a waterproof one.

I'm sorry but a $2k camera that isn't water resistant is a Piece of shit. Next camera Make sure that's a feature, and you can do better for a lot less.

First of all of you own a camera that costed 2k then you probably make good money to get such a camera. You might not have the money to replace it at the moment but you will once you get paid so just replace it then? 🤷‍♀️