By KingSquisher - 22/12/2016 02:00 - United States - Modesto

Today, my neighbor tried to shoot my dog but missed and hit a rock. A shard of the bullet hit me in the leg and fractured my shin. Hello from the ER. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 527
You deserved it 643

KingSquisher tells us more.

The dog was in the neighbors property "chasing the livestock" she told animal control when in reality the dog was playing with the horse. I went out to retrieve my dog when she shot. Probably didn't see me. The dog has escaped several times to several locations the past three years

Top comments

Tried to shoot your dog... I hope you reported them to the policeman and they're currently trying to say hello from jail.

in this situation I'm going to be "one of those people." call the cops on his ass and then sue his ass. he needs to go to jail. first off, he kind of shot you. that's some shit right there. Buuut he tried to shoot your dog first. hell no. I'd be beating some ass. I like my fur babies more than I like most people so it would definitely be on. I'm glad the pup is Okay and I'm glad your injury wasn't worse than your leg, bc it could have been worse, for sure. good luck with everything.


So this is one of times where it is a legitimate lawsuit w/ criminal charges against the neighbour?

Tried to shoot your dog... I hope you reported them to the policeman and they're currently trying to say hello from jail.

I agree. They need a conviction for animal cruelty.

...not to mention the negligent discharge of a firearm that lead to injury and could have lead to death. Much as I love dogs, the felony charges on that would stick for a much more severe punishment

Might even be bumped up to unlawful discharge depending on the city and state laws regarding firearm use against property, and if it can be proven that the dog wasn't being a threat.

Unless there was a legit reason to shoot the dog. My neighbors and I have a prior understanding that I will shoot their dog if it kills any more of my chickens, and I will fully follow through. I won't shoot towards the owner, however, like this dumbass.

Keep the shard. It will identify the gun it was shot from. Get him charged.

Bullet fragments don't contain enough info to fingerprint the gun, only full slugs.

Having only been to big cities in OP's location, I imagined this shit going down in San Fran.

don't leave any evidence when you burn his house down

in this situation I'm going to be "one of those people." call the cops on his ass and then sue his ass. he needs to go to jail. first off, he kind of shot you. that's some shit right there. Buuut he tried to shoot your dog first. hell no. I'd be beating some ass. I like my fur babies more than I like most people so it would definitely be on. I'm glad the pup is Okay and I'm glad your injury wasn't worse than your leg, bc it could have been worse, for sure. good luck with everything.

I hope you reported him to the cops before posting this, priorities people.

Now you get to sue the shit out of him. Take as much as you can since that dick tried to kill your dog.

Especially take the gun (and his right to own one).

So It's an FML if he missed and an FML if he hit.