Laying eggs!

By Anonymous - 27/12/2019 01:00 - United States

Today, I've has a constant feeling like something is moving in my ear. I'm a severe arachnaphobic, and my dad is trying to convince me a spider is in my ear laying eggs. FML
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Same thing different taste

Top comments

I recommend going to a doctor. I had that same sensation once. It turned out that I had fluid behind my eardrum because of allergies, and it nearly ruptured.

jfigley 5

Not quite, there are occasions where bugs can get in the ear. Guy went to the hospital once and they found a small cocroach/beetle (whatever the hell it was) had crawled in his ear while he slept.


I recommend going to a doctor. I had that same sensation once. It turned out that I had fluid behind my eardrum because of allergies, and it nearly ruptured.

uniformed 13

odds are a spider layer some eggs in your ear. after all it is a well known fact that there are many spiders that cant be seen and crawl over your body even as you sleep.

bloopaloop 27

I had that same feeling once. It was a spider in my ear laying eggs.

Duc du V. 23
jfigley 5

Not quite, there are occasions where bugs can get in the ear. Guy went to the hospital once and they found a small cocroach/beetle (whatever the hell it was) had crawled in his ear while he slept.

I read an article where a guy in China had a bug in his ear and he sprayed raid in his ear and had to go to the ER.

Duc du V. 23

Ok for the bugs stepping into the ears ... however, I read the FML carefully. It says « spider »... Spiders don’t lay eggs in the ears...