By Anonymous - 20/11/2014 15:23 - United States - Tracy

Today, it took a whole half hour of scratching my head before I realized with horror that the weird tickling sensation I'd been feeling was actually a spider crawling around in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 010
You deserved it 3 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tony1891 22

your spider senses need some work.

Considering the chance that the little ****** laid eggs in there, there's only one reasonable option: You must shave your head. Do it now.


tony1891 22

your spider senses need some work.

Murilirum 23

They were tickling, when they should have been tingling.

quick! get the scissors!!! op, iill be honest i saw a spider on my windshield two weeks ago and smashed the windshield to bits by accident trying to kill the spider

BamBAmGG 14

I'd say a spider on your head is at least better than finding out you have lice! (:

DogeMan 14

OP should light their hair on fire?

You never know, there might be a whole colony in there

#71 They built a whole empire on OPs head

Thats the most terrifying thing anyone has ever gone threw.

actually some british celebrity had a spider living in her ear last week. she complained of scratchy noises and they stuck a camera in there to have this nasty little crawler just staring back giving them the shitface.

#18: you must be fun at parties. being like "think you have it bad? The Holocaust. starving children in Africa. Ebola. "

Considering the chance that the little ****** laid eggs in there, there's only one reasonable option: You must shave your head. Do it now.

19990231 29

Just imagine the eggs it laid in your hair.

rekkas 16

I calmly would have set myself on fire

Just relax. Take a deep breath, and calm down. Then set your hair, your house, and everything around you on fire.

LiveLifeAllDay 11

People over react about thing like this . It's just a bug . take it out kill it and wash your hair . no need to burn everything .

a spider once fell on my face while I was trying to kill it....there's no going back

The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the op's neck. Onto their head to WRECK HAVOC KILL ITT KILLLLLLL

i was reading this to the regular tune of the nursery rhyme and when i got to the all CAPS, like it just turned into this satanic-devil-worship song with lots of heavy metal and screaming.