By shadowmuppet - 31/03/2017 20:00 - United States - Bronx

Today, I learned the joy of getting a brand new leather jacket and then watching my date drunkenly throw up all over my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 630
You deserved it 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HanBanana15 9

Isn't one of the perks of leather the fact that everything wipes right off? My family had leather couches for years and the only thing we couldn't get off was sharpie. So unless she ate a sharpie beforehand, I'm not really seeing how the new leather jacket is relevant here.

Good thing its leather. Goes right off. Easy to clean


Good thing its leather. Goes right off. Easy to clean

HanBanana15 9

Isn't one of the perks of leather the fact that everything wipes right off? My family had leather couches for years and the only thing we couldn't get off was sharpie. So unless she ate a sharpie beforehand, I'm not really seeing how the new leather jacket is relevant here.

What a tricky way to carry out his vegan agenda! I'll bet PETA is paying for his next six-pack.

WeirdUS 29

Problem is vomit can eat through table varnish and can easily damage a surface. I hope OP was able to get the jacket clean and their was no second date