I can't help it

By SPOODERZ - 10/12/2022 08:00 - United States

Today, my mom still freaks out and yells "Where?" when I mention spiders to her in any form, regardless of context, and no matter what I preface it with. She just fixates on the word "spider." I get that arachnophobia is pretty miserable to have, but this is ridiculous. Go see a therapist, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 752
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just don't say spider. how hard is that. why are you torturing your mom. that's really horrible.

And therapy can't fix everything. geez, you're saying your mom should spend hundreds of hours in therapy, and maybe a lot of money, just so that you can say a single word that bother her? I have a HORRIBLE phobia of roaches that will never be cured, and my son and boyfriend never mention them around me because they don't want to make me upset.


Marcella1016 31

How often and in what context do you need to mention spiders when there aren’t any around?!

Just don't say spider. how hard is that. why are you torturing your mom. that's really horrible.

And therapy can't fix everything. geez, you're saying your mom should spend hundreds of hours in therapy, and maybe a lot of money, just so that you can say a single word that bother her? I have a HORRIBLE phobia of roaches that will never be cured, and my son and boyfriend never mention them around me because they don't want to make me upset.

Maybe you need therapy if you are so insensitive to the needs of others 5ha5 you can't even simply not.say a word not to hurt your mother.

Can you say you surreptitiously looked at a woman? "Can you say I spied her" without her panicking?

Phobia by nature is irrational, and most people don't even get over it by therapy. Feel sorry for your mum, like how often do you bring up spiders? Like not every spider gets announced, some.get removed from the room just to keep mom, me calm and not riddled with anxiety. If you don't have an irrational fear like a phobia then you don't know how bad the reaction can be to the person who experiences it. Google, or talk to people who have phobias. I would consider this emotional abuse if you keep bringing spiders up and expecting her to get over it already... So much love for your mum.