Kitchen Nightmares

By just the tip, though - 28/01/2014 17:06 - United States - Grovetown

Today, at work teaching a cooking class, one of the kids asked if they could use a knife to help me chop vegetables. I said no, because it was very sharp and only staff members are allowed to use them. Just as I said that, the knife sliced through the tip of my thumb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 014
You deserved it 11 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now you get to teach them first aid! You're such a good teacher.

MassiveBerry 9

Well, you were right. It was sharp.


tompou6 19

Now you can teach them how to apply direct pressure to a wound. FYL OP.

Well, on the bright side, at least now he knows why he can't use a knife! :D

mageeethan 7

This reminds me of the gun instructor saying he is a trained professional and then went and accidentally shot himself I'm the foot

conman531 23

Best to teach with examples anyways

caligirllife 11

That will at least show your student why exactly students aren't allowed to use the knives

well at least you didnt have an injured student.

Well, at least its a good teaching example. "See how sharp it is? Now you don't have to worry about trying to use your thumb with a nasty cut on it!"