
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Boston

Today, on the bus, a little boy gave me the dirtiest look, pointed at my pregnant stomach, and menacingly said, "I know what you did." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 515
You deserved it 7 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the bastard who took the cookie from the cookie jar!!

A07 48

Should'ave told him you eat mean kids who annoy you on the bus.


i feel like i have seen to many of these fmls

lol, u can't possibly know what goes on in kids brains these days..

nitrog100 21

Just count yourself lucky that the kid didn't attack you with a stick for eating a baby. Apparently that sort of thing actually happens.

Sounds like the FML where the 4 year old was hitting a woman because he thought she swallowed a baby.

Someone walked in on their parents conceiving a sibling.

Lol! When I was really little I was told that pregnant women had accidentally eaten black watermelon seeds and were now growing watermelons in their tummies... ^_^ Kids will really believe anything under the age of like 5.

Sorry, my wife is pregnant and would be horrified if that happened

well thats not creepy. What are they teaching these kids nowadays ?