
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Boston

Today, on the bus, a little boy gave me the dirtiest look, pointed at my pregnant stomach, and menacingly said, "I know what you did." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 515
You deserved it 7 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the bastard who took the cookie from the cookie jar!!

A07 48

Should'ave told him you eat mean kids who annoy you on the bus.


He might have thought you ate a baby or Something silly or he already got the birds and bees talk and was disturbed by the idea still. I really hate when parents tell their children stupid versions of reproduction or worse completely random names for their own anatomy. Kids can handle a non graphic description and for the most part if you stress it's not something we discuss with anyone else can keep a secret. Your kid shouldn't learn about sex from anyone else but you, never know what kind of ideas someone could plant in their little heads.

That's when you point back at him and say "I know what your mommy and daddy did too!"

I don't know about anyone else, but this makes me really uncomfortable. If that child did thy to me I would probably have had a panic attack.

Hahahaha I laughed so hard at this one. So very funny!!

EmeraldRarity 8

Little kids today they know so much about the world lol


The Internet unfortunately teaches kids things that teenagers are supposed to only see