By preggers - 08/02/2010 10:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I entered the crowded bus and one man sitting in the priority seat glanced at me. Upon seeing my protruding tummy, he quickly offered me his seat. I took the seat. I am not pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 564
You deserved it 33 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SailorButterfly 8

At least he was kind enough to offer his seat. And you saved him embarrassment by taking it instead of pointing out the error. I think the situation went as smoothly as it could. Maybe you can use this as your wake up call to finally get on a path to losing weight if it really bothered you. Mine was when I saw myself in a picture about 2 years ago...I was so big, my face looked like it was swollen from a bee sting or something. I was disgusted with myself, so I started doing something about it. 35 pounds lost so far. :)

xxmarlboroxx 0

bahaha you got a free seat and you're bitching about it? @5 grown up you jerk


TrekkieGirl 0

It doesn't suck, she took the seat and posted an FML about Therefore, she couldn't have been too upset or offended by the gesture. Also, OP appearing pregnant even though your not, isn't exactly something to be proud of.

MrHighlight 0

"Also, OP appearing pregnant even though your not, isn't exactly something to be proud of." That's PROBABLY what the fml is about. She still deserves it for nicking his seat though. He might've been seriously handicapped, OP is just fat.

maybe he was trying to be a gentleman and give his seat up for a lady

Agree to #40 prob just being a good gentleman

TouchMyBody 1

Lay off the twinkies then...Or buy a bowflex

hotscar 3

unless she was too ashamed to admit it and just took the seat to cover it up

RevengeOnYou 0

Who cares if he thinks your pregnant. Free seat. Win all.

drummerboy0011 0
HeresReality 0

"I'm fat fml" here's an idea, how about you lose wait if being fat bothers you typing up an fml doesn't count as exercise by the way

swantonboy96 0

ohh, burn, whered you get that joke from your dad telling your mom, listen i bet your like 9 or some shit like that, oh and by the way its 'weight' not 'wait', which makes me belive you're a nine year old... or at least have the mental capacity of one.

jme89 0

I always wanted to buy a bowflex

killerviral 0

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pongmaster 0

yeah true get on the treadmill at the gym but make sure to check that there aren't any young children around or anyone else that looks like they would get grossed out

yungjct 0

nice guy. appreciate what is right with the world, not what is wrong with yourself OP.

You could have a private gym in your house.

piggy piggy piggy oink oink u Fatass lose some weight

thetink 0

wow ur being really mean so people have to take meds and some of the side affects are weight gain how do u know that it why the are over weight and I bet ur a fat ass too! b••••

musicmaniac0099 0

5- you jerk! you don't even know what she looks like. Weight doesn't have anything to do with personality & feelings! screw you (:

ned diggers 14

The morbidly obese deserve to be mocked.

xxmarlboroxx 0

bahaha you got a free seat and you're bitching about it? @5 grown up you jerk

faxe 0

maybe he just thought you were fat and could not support your own weight on moving bus.

scorpioserpent 1

lmao at #7! That's exactly what happened. YDI for being fat.

To be fair on the guy he may have just been attempting to be chivalrous, so it's harsh for you to be feeling indignant concerning his kind action.

SailorButterfly 8

At least he was kind enough to offer his seat. And you saved him embarrassment by taking it instead of pointing out the error. I think the situation went as smoothly as it could. Maybe you can use this as your wake up call to finally get on a path to losing weight if it really bothered you. Mine was when I saw myself in a picture about 2 years ago...I was so big, my face looked like it was swollen from a bee sting or something. I was disgusted with myself, so I started doing something about it. 35 pounds lost so far. :)

#9, it's taken you TWO YEARS to lose 35 pounds?!?!

sometimes loosing weight is an up and down battle. shut up 128 and congrats on the starting weightloss :)

PsychoMerk 0

You know... in theme parks they let cripples go to the front of the line. Use it to your advantage Chubs :} It counts as a disability ;p obviously since you're taking the bus and unable to walk for long!! >_>