It doesn't get better as you get older

By Anonymous - 19/12/2022 09:00

Today, I woke up with a stinky smell piercing my nose. Yesterday there was a party at my boss’s house, where I got super drunk and passed out. When I regained consciousness, I realized my panties were wet, my pants were wet, and, of course, the bed was wet. I’m 21 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 210
You deserved it 1 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse: The panties are missing, and his bed is wet. But still - YDI. Who gets drunk at the BOSS's house of all places!


We don't know enough to judge whether your behavior was very unprofessional or a golden ticket to blackmail your boss for years. Both can be true!

From now on when you drink depends. js

Could have been worse: The panties are missing, and his bed is wet. But still - YDI. Who gets drunk at the BOSS's house of all places!