Introverts of the world, unite

By 404: Backbone Not Found - 04/01/2023 21:00

Today, I realized that the title of my memoir may as well be, “I Didn’t Want To, but I Felt Like I Had No Choice.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 728
You deserved it 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Many times we only get to choose the lesser of the bad choices instead of the choice we don’t really have; but we want. Thats life… But if you make a realistic plan and try to follow through with that plan (adjustments will be required), then you will feel more in charge of your life… If it’s any consolation, most of our plans get carried out one small choice at a time. If you persist towards your goals you will get much closer than if you give up - As long as your goals are realistic… These have been tough times for many people. Don’t give up just because of that.

That's a great motto. Responsibility can be a bitch! It keeps me from having so much fun. Ok, hookers and blow, I don't want to, but here I come!


Many times we only get to choose the lesser of the bad choices instead of the choice we don’t really have; but we want. Thats life… But if you make a realistic plan and try to follow through with that plan (adjustments will be required), then you will feel more in charge of your life… If it’s any consolation, most of our plans get carried out one small choice at a time. If you persist towards your goals you will get much closer than if you give up - As long as your goals are realistic… These have been tough times for many people. Don’t give up just because of that.

That's a great motto. Responsibility can be a bitch! It keeps me from having so much fun. Ok, hookers and blow, I don't want to, but here I come!

Your motto would become "I wanted to, but the police told me I couldn't".

Blobby McGee 5

Such is the life that most men will have, after they get married