What am I doing here?

By Anonymous - 13/06/2022 04:00

Today, I had to write an essay for school explaining what motivates me to study. The more I tried to write it, the more I realized I've been wasting my time going back to school, and I never really wanted it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 777
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Write the essay that you don't give a **** and they can take their fancy-ass book-larnin' and shove it up their collective asses. You'll get a full scholarship, I guarantee it!

You have my sympathies. Not the best time for an epiphany.


Write the essay that you don't give a **** and they can take their fancy-ass book-larnin' and shove it up their collective asses. You'll get a full scholarship, I guarantee it!

You have my sympathies. Not the best time for an epiphany.