Inspection time

By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 05:01 - United States - Monterey

Today, my grandmother made a rule that every time we take a crap, she has to examine the turds to make sure they aren't big enough to clog up the pipes. I don't know what's worse: that she looks at my turds, or the fact that she actively comments on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 265
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps you should talk to her about how absolute gross that is. Toilet time is private time

Your grandma thinks you are so full of shit you would clog her pipes?


You aren't a fictional little boy named Leolo by any chance are you? If not find the movie.

Awww, this looks just like rabbit turds. Now you know why you're grandmommy's favorite. Come and give grandmommy some sugar.

mad_hatter0666 22

So what exactly would she do if they WERE too big? O.o

There should just be an improvised instrument to break up the turds or something... That's so gross. I would never consent to something like that. What would she do that you couldn't do if they were massive enough to clog the pipes anyway?

popaacxx 10

Ew, that is just gross. Maybe you should not 'tell' her you pooped or do it when she's not home.

I don't even want to know what she does when they are too big to clog up the pipes :O

Whoa. Don't know what to say about this. What do your parents say?

I wouldn't roll with that, even is she was me grandma. I'd be like, "Grandma, if I clog your toilet, I'll unclog your toilet, okie? My 'turds' are shy!"

badluckdawson 19

Well this is a "shitty" situation