Inspection time

By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 05:01 - United States - Monterey

Today, my grandmother made a rule that every time we take a crap, she has to examine the turds to make sure they aren't big enough to clog up the pipes. I don't know what's worse: that she looks at my turds, or the fact that she actively comments on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 265
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps you should talk to her about how absolute gross that is. Toilet time is private time

Your grandma thinks you are so full of shit you would clog her pipes?


AngelLovesDerby 10

Wtf no crap would seriously clog the pipes... She's fuked.....

That's some crap!! I have a crap trimmer for sale, only $50, let me know if you are interested.

Just flush em dumbass. You don't have to follow every idiotic rule a senile old woman makes up.

Ok, which one of you is responsible for the floater?

So what would happen if it was too big? X.x

It's ok OP. Every time I'm on the toilet I'll think of this fml

tehdarkness 21

Stop obliging! Tell her that you were trying and nothing came out.

graphicstyle7 17

Um... don't know how old grandma is, but that could be a sign of dementia. Seriously, that's way, way out of bounds. Like one of the posts says, flush them. Don't tell her, that's very much an intrusion of your privacy.

Is your grandmother so old-school that she's never heard of a plunger? She might want to invest in one, to save her from all the shit. :)