Hope there's no dancing involved

By InjuredTriviaNerd - 09/03/2021 09:00 - Australia - Kellyville

Today, I fell on a crack in the pavement and broke my ankle. Next week, I'm supposed to fly interstate to be on a quiz show I've spent two years in the audition process for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 964
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so what's stopping you from flying? ask for assistance, they'll move you. and give you dibs on loading. good luck!

Tammy Gabb 5

Good luck on the show. Hope you win big


Tammy Gabb 5

Good luck on the show. Hope you win big

It was supposed to be your mother's back.

I don't know if kids know this danger anymore these days.

Kids, today!! They're probably smoking the crack instead of avoiding stepping on it! Piffle!

ajoyh11 6

I broke my hand one week before I was supposed to go out of the country for the first time. I had to get surgery one day before I had to leave. I feel your pain but best of luck to you on the show!

peterblack67 9

So go. Don't let the broken ankle stop you.

What does a broken ankle have to do with you missing a flight to be on a quiz show. If you let your ankle stop you then you deserve it

so what's stopping you from flying? ask for assistance, they'll move you. and give you dibs on loading. good luck!

It's a quiz show right? Not one of those activity shows? People walk on crutches or use wheelchairs when leg issues arise, you'll be fine.