
By mugs - 12/03/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I asked my parents if the outfit I was wearing made me look fat. My mom looked at me and paused for a while; my dad said, "Honey, that outfit doesn't make you look fat. Your fat makes you look fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 673
You deserved it 23 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kagome_eb 0

hahaha am sorry he is right, don't ask people questions unless you want to hear the true.


insanelyXnikki 18

I hate when girls ask 'does this make me look fat?' and then get upset when they get an answer. Lol

"honey, that outfit doesn't make you look fat. Your fat makes you look fat." *true story*

Truth hurts. If you're not happy with your figure, work out or go running.

I want the truth...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!

God what an asshole- you do not deserve to have him bash you on your appearance. He was probably trying to make himself look good by being "clever-" too bad for him his comments were completely inappropriate and hateful. I'm sorry, don't let his self centeredness dictate how you feel about yourself

Helldemon 32

So he's hateful self-centered and an asshole because he didn't lie to his daughter?

johnsotaylord 2
Ngage953 10

Well, if you worry about being fat, go to a gym.