By Eyefreshener - 14/07/2010 06:14 - United States

Today, I was at a friend's house. She has one of those automatic air fresheners, and I was amazed when it went off. To get a better look at it, I got real close to it. I saw a button and pressed it. The air freshener went off again, spraying nothing but my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 096
You deserved it 66 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kbobcat 0

wat did u think would happen, candy come out of it?

The new Febreze line of fresheners come with an automatic retard defense mechanism. observe one in action.. First: the subject spots the freshener. subject is intruiged. Second: the freshener prepares itself for battle. the subject begins approaching cautiously. Third: the freshener fires a warning shot. The subject does not take the freshener seriously, and continues approach. Fourth: the freshener readies cannon, aiming for possible weak points. subject stops, and bends down near the freshener. Fifth: subject is interested by the freshener. The freshener has prepared itself for such situautions, and subsequently has a large button as bait for the would-be enemy. The subject presses said bait now. The freshener fires. BOOM! Headshot. Subject retreats, stunned. Freshener remains wary, but the subject has gained a new respect for the freshener. The subject will not disturb the freshener again. Crisis averted.


oooo shiny red button. OMG WTF. ^ you failing at life.

Averizzle 0

Automatic air fresheners aren't even that new/ amazing anymore.. Ydi op for living in a manually freshened home.

The new Febreze line of fresheners come with an automatic retard defense mechanism. observe one in action.. First: the subject spots the freshener. subject is intruiged. Second: the freshener prepares itself for battle. the subject begins approaching cautiously. Third: the freshener fires a warning shot. The subject does not take the freshener seriously, and continues approach. Fourth: the freshener readies cannon, aiming for possible weak points. subject stops, and bends down near the freshener. Fifth: subject is interested by the freshener. The freshener has prepared itself for such situautions, and subsequently has a large button as bait for the would-be enemy. The subject presses said bait now. The freshener fires. BOOM! Headshot. Subject retreats, stunned. Freshener remains wary, but the subject has gained a new respect for the freshener. The subject will not disturb the freshener again. Crisis averted.

StopB1tchingYDI 0

wow are u like 8 year old plus how did u not c the commercial for them

eazyeeze 0

Damn OP, you sure redefined the term IDIOT. Oh, and you insulted the entire human race by living. Congrats moron!

wow really my friend has one but really you don't need to go up to it

iSitt 0

air freshners pump artificial chemicals into the air. they are worse than dangerous. the "pleasant" order means you inhale more deeply.

deafeningsilence 8

some of you are real jerks :/ honestly maybe OP doesn't sit on their ass all day watching tv maybe they go to the beach ( op live in California.. ) soo I think that's an fyl, sorry OP :(

OhWowFYLindeed 0

Maybe OP thought it despenced candy? :D

eazyeeze 0

Too bad it didn't dispense brain cells. Only masks stupidity.

oppsalot 0

23- can we be friends? op- ydi, nothing good comes from pushing buttons..especially when you see what the fresh maker is capable of and then proceding to put your face right up to it...

12-the buttons are blue not red. ^^you failing at accusing someone of failing

Xx_jESSii 3

Lol wow sorry Op but YDI thats just dumb.

quent10 0

lmfao 23 you rule made my day with that

msyelowbubblegum 0

hahaha op ur stupid :P haha im sorry

23 - You. Are. A. Win. Please make comments like that on every FML. It will make them all so much better.

my friend did the same thing only she didn't know what it was an picked it up and when she did she pushed the button spraying it in her eyes and mouth it was so funny

sosoinlove09 0

i mean, it was your fault. it's something called common sence { idk if I spelled it right}, but yea

Common sense. Wouldn't expect your type to get it. (blacks)

stfu. u don't even know nothing about us.

I agree with 87. 81 you're way outta line.

No I didn't mean it like that. I meant blacks are dumb.

Oh. Well in that case, you're probably only going to burn in Hell for being such an ignorant racist.

probably much smarter than you'll ever b

and a lot of the time i jus think racists r jealous i mean why put so much effort into letting everyone kno u dont like certain ppl jus to get attention IMO cuz there's no reason for u to tink of urself as any different

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

New meaning for YDI. You Dumb Idiot.

why dont u shut the **** up u ******* racist. im pretty sure most black ppl in this world know more about common sense than u asshole.

Ok why the **** did you guys threadjack my comment just to start a flame war on racism? Future threadjackers will be heavily prosecuted in front of Judge Joe Brown.

And by heavily I mean 20$ and a tootsie roll pop

dude you're a total retard ok. racism is horrible and you sir should be ashamed. *fixes monocle* Good day sir

_crayola_ 1

Lmao My dumbass made the same mistake one time ..-.- WDI

kbobcat 0

wat did u think would happen, candy come out of it?

sallen0046 4

Now what exactly did you think the button on an air freshener would do? It's called common sense, if you don't have any, you shouldn't be roaming around touching things in the first place.

I agree with #5, like wtf. What did u think it was gonna do? Were you really that fascinated that you had to put your face THAT close? Common sense isn't common anymore. -.- YDI.

at least your eyeballs will smell nice. YDI.

Amy_1995 0

you clearly haven't had an air freshened before but yeah #5 is right common sense clearly

GermanBoy0_0 0

To the face!!!! Next time you're at herhouse your going to be like what's that funny noise coming from the sink and you'll stick your hand down there and blood will go everywhere