Grow up

By phreshrice - 07/04/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because apparently I need to "grow up". He's the one who excessively plays Call of Duty and still has Pokémon and Bionicles in his room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 966
You deserved it 22 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, your boyfriend broke up with you and you posted a whiney FML about it? Who -really- needs to grow up?

Yep, you definately need to grow up. There's nothing wrong with playing video games and having 'collectables' (aka Toys) as long as they don't take over your life. Your childish reaction to this breakup shows me that you need to grow up regardless if he does or not.


Your ex-boyfriend sounds like half of the guys I hang out with. All respectable and mature. YDI if you're too mature for that. High horse and all. :/

POKEMON GOTTA CATCH EM ALLLL What are you so pissed about OP.... Pokemon > you.... j/k fyl

Do you blame him? Call of Duty is amazing and Pokemon rule. The most influential men in the world played Call of Duty; including, Albert Einstein, Ghandi, and Napoleon.

Sounder_fml 0

I just created an account for the sole purpose to tell you that you have no idea what maturity is if you think Pokemon and Bionicle make people childish, but then I read the comments. They're right. FYL, but not because your bf broke up with you, but because you're a childish fool.

alex_vik 0

Video games and hobbies don't equal immaturity. Grow the **** up.

nickyg55555 0

HAHAHA #4- soooooooo true. U ARE the 1 who needs 2 grow up!

youre_fucked 0

hahaha. so go **** yourself.

beany212 0

#31, you are never getting laid. EVER. Also, do you happen to read Twilight and obsess over it? If so, that might be the case.