All you need is hate

By Anonymous - 31/08/2022 12:00

Today, I wore a t-shirt that had a rainbow-ish multicolored design when I went to drop off my daughter at school. Another parent threatened to “call the authorities” on me for wanting to “poison” children with “f**got memorabilia,” and to “stop pushing my agenda” on them. I’m a straight dude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 115
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slhiggx 17

Doesn’t matter if you’re straight or not. You’ve missed the problem. That parent has a lot of lunatic issues, and they are probably teaching their child the same ideologies. Report that parent for their inappropriate behavior. They threatened you.

Not telling these days what will trigger the homophobes and conspiracy theorists.


slhiggx 17

Doesn’t matter if you’re straight or not. You’ve missed the problem. That parent has a lot of lunatic issues, and they are probably teaching their child the same ideologies. Report that parent for their inappropriate behavior. They threatened you.

You say "rainbow-ish?" Not a part of the straight dude lexicon.

Not telling these days what will trigger the homophobes and conspiracy theorists.

Turn up tomorrow in a rainbow painted car towing a pride float with gyrating dancers on it.

tiptoppc 19

Throw in black jack and hookers, and you’ve got yourself a deal!

Reality is no one can appreciate rainbows anymore without making a political stmt. it's a shame but probably best not to wear the shirt if that's not the attention ur seeking

Let me guess; it was the official "All will go well" anti-Covid rainbow. Geez, if we cannot even support our government's effort to stop Covid, what has the world gone to?

I’d have encouraged them to go ahead and call the cops. Let the authorities see what a raging lunatic they are.