By debiebs - 29/12/2015 12:04 - Brazil - Salvador

Today, I found out that my boyfriend has a Facebook account. He said he didn't have one. Apparently he's not divorced after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 514
You deserved it 2 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well don't jump to conclusions! Maybe he isn't divorced yet but is in the process, divorce takes a long time before its finalized

He might've just meant that he isn't using one since a while. And if that's the case, he wouldn't have changed his relationship status. Not everyone wants to update every ******* life event on social media the moment it occurs


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Well, at least now you know... That sucks OP.

Yup, I'm sure that knowledge just tickles him pink. Which is great, because his wife is busy getting her pink tickled.

joeyl2008 29

Maybe he meant he doesn't use it. Has there been any recent activity?

gabechriswill 19

Doesn't matter what he meant, he straight up lied.

ChopSuey444 20

His former wife could have made it for him, and he may have never acknowledged or used it. Women do things like that sometimes. She may have set it up and everything but forgot about it. It's highly possible. So whether or not there's been recent activity is a good question.

#5 Or maybe since it appears he never used it in a while, he would consider it not being worth to say you have one, if you get what I'm saying.

#29 and #32, sure. Anything's possible. What's likely, however, is that there was recent activity on the account. Also, if his (supposedly) ex-wife made the account for him, don't you think she would have changed the relationship status on her own account?

He might've just meant that he isn't using one since a while. And if that's the case, he wouldn't have changed his relationship status. Not everyone wants to update every ******* life event on social media the moment it occurs

Thank goodness someone recognized this. I hate updating every social media about every single thing. And then people question about my real life because "they never saw it on Facebook" God damn. OP, it's better to ask about it first. Could be like me and forgotten my password long ago and never retrieved it.

Mathalamus 24

so dont update every single social network about everything in your life. its up to you and you only. you dont have to do it if you dont want to. why do you assume that you are obligated to do that?

Not updating every life event and never changing your relationship status after a divorce (and his wife never changing hers) are two completely different things.

But if he never uses the account, he probably didn't even think to change it. He might not even remember the password anymore.

Well don't jump to conclusions! Maybe he isn't divorced yet but is in the process, divorce takes a long time before its finalized

He may not be cheating on her but he is definitely a liar. He lied about his marital status and lied about not having an account to cover it up. If she's at the stage where she's calling him a boyfriend then the existence of a wife, whether a complicated situation or not, is something she deserves to know when deciding she wants to be with him or not.

Are you guys stupid? You don't have to finalize a divorce to take your marriage status off facebook

My divorce took 1 week to be Finalized. A divorce only takes longer if there are kids and property involved.

or one person in the relationship is dragging their feet about signing paperwork.

It depends where you are. I don't know the laws in that area of Brazil but where I am there is a sixty day waiting period before a divorce can be finalized.

Not if the other party contests parts of the divorce and some place have forced waiting periods after filing before you can finalize....

TXlove 6

M divorce took over a year because the state I was in has a law that you have to be living seperate for 12mo before you can file, kids or no kids. However, my boyfriend knew that legally I was married, but we were separated awaiting the divorce

I would confront him before you freak out. It's possible he just never updated his relationship status, and doesn't use his facebook.

It may or may not be an up to date account that he had and never changed. But if it is a recent account, you should add his wife and see what happens.

Personally I'd do a little more research. I tell people I don't have an instagram because I haven't used it in over a year and didn't use it much when I did use it. I mainly used it because my ex wanted me to make it. I won't ever use it again so I tell people I don't have one when in reality I do. Perhaps he is in this same scenario. I'd find out rather than jumping to conclusions right away. In the chance you are right I'm sorry that he's a lying douche who is cheating on his wife. That's all too common lately.

The best outcome would be he just stopped using it and never updated his relationship status.