False alarm

By Anonymous - 31/10/2015 16:41 - United Kingdom - Houghton Le Spring

Today, I was at the airport waiting for my flight to leave for Hawaii when I received an urgent call from my neighbour saying that my house had been broken into. After rushing home and missing my flight, I had to explain to the police that my house wasn't burgled, it was just very messy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 718
You deserved it 5 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How messy does your house have to be to make people think that someone broke in? Clean up every once in a while OP. YDI in my opinion.

why on earth would it be so messy that your neighbor thought you got burgled?


The neighbor was probably house sitting. Maybe letting out a dog.

This happened on an episode of the middle

Time for a bit of (late) Spring cleaning perhaps?

Your house should Never be soo Messy it looks like an episode of Hoarders prompting your neighbor to call, time for a major cleanup OP

Plot twist: what if your neighbor tried to rob you but couldn't find anything bc it was so messy

Was your neighbor watching the house for you? Otherwise why would they think you'd been burgled unless they were peaking in your windows or something?

no offense OP, but if people suspect burglary over your place just being messy...Definitely deserved.