Fairy tale

By Anonymous - 24/03/2024 20:00 - Sweden - Lidingoe

Today, I found out that an annoying guy who had asked me out spread a nasty rumour after I stood him up. According to him, I not only showed up to our date, I also went home with him, had advanced sex with him, then in the morning when he woke up, I was having sex with his roommate. All our friends believe this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 591
You deserved it 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lamitucus 4

I really have to ask what “advanced sex” is? Ask your “friends” this also and they are clearly not your friends.

They just want to gossip. Give them a bigger piece of gossip. Admit you tried "advanced sex" with annoying guy, but he had a mini penis that was smaller than a pea. THAT'S why you tried having sex with the roommate, but he was a limp dicked dud, so you went home frustrated.


Lamitucus 4

I really have to ask what “advanced sex” is? Ask your “friends” this also and they are clearly not your friends.

prove that you weren't and find new friends

They just want to gossip. Give them a bigger piece of gossip. Admit you tried "advanced sex" with annoying guy, but he had a mini penis that was smaller than a pea. THAT'S why you tried having sex with the roommate, but he was a limp dicked dud, so you went home frustrated.

Point out that the advanced sex he talked about was that he liked getting pegged while wearing a nappy. Basically just make up shit until he takes back the entire story.

Tell everyone he has a micropenis. The only way to defend himself is to say it never happened. Works like a charm.

unless they whip their dick out and shows it isnt then she just looks like a liar....

If all your friends believe that, it might say something about you?