By oops secretary - 26/09/2018 12:00

Today, after I had an excellent one night stand with a guy yesterday, I saw him at work. He was a client my boss was trying to talk into a deal. The guy recognised me and accused my boss of sending me to seduce him into signing the contract. The deal fell apart and my boss is livid with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 365
You deserved it 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24
Zekfen 17

Your boss is just jealous that he didn’t get a one night stand also.


Mathalamus 24
commandpriority 5

Idk where you work but I would sign a deal!

Zekfen 17

Your boss is just jealous that he didn’t get a one night stand also.

blightsight 10

and this is why women should stay in the kitchen

You should write a book on "how to get yourself bitch slapped"

blightsight 10

You can have a one night stand in the kitchen also

Apparently, you were the only one who rated your encounter as “excellent.” If he agreed, he would have doubled his order!

AzrielB 8

This is where you should have said "if you don't sign the deal I might have to tell your wife"

Justin Allan Bannister 9

guess you're getting screwed regardless

The guy bailed on you twice? Dick move, Banner.

tounces7 27

Depending on how you met him, this strains credulity.